Heat Exchangers in Kitchens


Heat exchangers are mechanical devices that aid in transferring heat from one fluid to another. The main function of the device is to transfer heat from the water or air coming from an appliance such as a refrigeration system to cold liquid being brought in from outside. This is accomplished by pushing air through the exchanger, which turns the liquid into steam, and forcing the heated air through the surface of the exchanger.

heat exchangersHeat Exchangers & Refrigeration

As an example, let’s say you have a small heat exchanger installed to exchange water between two refrigerators. As you open the door of the first refrigerator, a stream of cool water goes in the exterior of the machine. As soon as the door is closed again, the stream stops flowing because there is no room for it to go back into the interior of the machine. When the refrigerated water enters the second machine, it is heated up by the steam that has been pushed through the surface of the heat exchangers system.

The refrigerated liquid that comes out of the other end of the exchange does not have to travel all the way to the kitchen sink, because it will cool off in the air outside the home. The home’s interior will remain warm, since it is equipped with an air conditioner, which uses the heat from the home’s air to turn it into the cool air. The air conditioner can also be turned off during the colder months, so the home can be cooled further.

heat exchangersSteady Temperature

Heat exchangers help with the temperature fluctuations, which happens from the natural movement of water that occurs in nature. In this case, you have two appliances each of which exchanges water with the exchanger; each appliance puts off heat which goes through the mechanical device, which in turn transfers the heat to the outside air.

The heating and cooling, along with the absorption of heat from the atmosphere is what the refrigeration system is intended to do. It is also used for air conditioning, air purification, and asthe heat sink for the heating systems. A heat exchanger is usually located outside on a patio or deck, so the appliances outside can have access to the air coming in from the home.

foodAir Conditioning

It is more efficient to have a heat exchanger installed in a home than an air conditioning unit, which relies on the process of evaporation. Since the air conditioner uses air from outside the home and condenses it into hot air, the hot air from the home enters the exchanger in the form of steam. An exchange takes in and releases heat, so the hot air goes out the same way that it came in.

To keep the outside temperature from changing too much, a seal is put around the perimeter of the exchanger. This prevents the hot air from escaping, because the heat it absorbs goes through the outer casing of the heat exchanger. You will find that there are different types of heat exchangers for different kinds of appliances, depending on their output.

For instance, air conditioning units receive a lot of heat from the inside of the home and not enough from the outside. So, they need an exchanger that is smaller and more efficient than the ones that are used for heating and cooling. The heat exchanger that is used to heat and cool your home is one of the most important things that you should consider when you are deciding on the best type for your home.