Home Meat


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If you are not totally satisfied with your meat purchase, simply bring back the package label, your cash register receipt, or the product and we will gladly replace the item or refund the purchase price.

There’s something very NEW and EXITING at P&C. That is our GOLD LABEL MEATS, which included…


Hormel “Always Tender” Fresh Pork is lean, nutritious, and fits perfectly into today’s healthy diet. While it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, it’s lower in fat than many other meats. Hormel “Always Tender” Pork lives up to its name. It is tender and juicy everytime and is almost impossible to overcook. From the Hormel name you know and trust, try our new “Always Tender” Pork. We’re so sure you’ll love it – it’s GUARANTEED!


Hungry for something for dinner which is as nutritious as it is delicious? Why not try America’s most trusted brand of turkey…Butterball. We have expanded our varieties of fresh turkey and included the free recipes right on the package. Don’t save that wonderful meat just for the holidays, treat your family to some delicious Butterball Turkey tonight.


P&C; offers two Premium Variety Chickens for you to choose from . Our exclusive Premium Chicken is so fresh it is delivered daily. The All Natural Grade “A” Chicken you’ve learned to trust is so delicious that we call it our own Gold Label Premium.

We’ve added a whole new line of Perdue Chicken. There are several new varieties to choose from. Try our new marinated boneless breast, fresh ground chicken, or one of your old-time favorites. Perdue Chicken is always all Natural and Grade “A” Quality.


We sell two brands of beef. Gold Label USDA Select Beef and Monfort Angus Beef! Our select beef is specially selected to be lean and juicy. Angus Beef has more marbling for those customers that prefer the different flavor of this type of beef.

Did you know...

Our Ground Beef is USDA Inspected. Our Fresh Ground Chuck contains only Beef Chuck. Our Ground Round contains only Beef Round. Our Ground Sirloin contains only Beef Sirloin. No fillers here! We offer your favorite ground beef:

  • Ground Beef 73% Lean
  • Ground Chuck 80% Lean
  • Ground Round 85% Lean
  • Ground Sirloin 90% Lean
  • Extra Lean Ground Beef 95% LeanNo matter what your choice is, at P&C you always know what’s in your ground beef.