Bespoke Kitchens Glasgow: A Guide To Completely Custom Designs

bespoke kitchens glasgow

Bespoke kitchens are made to fit a room perfectly and allow for a more personalised design. If a business that claims to provide bespoke kitchens in Glasgow is marketing pre-built ranges, suites, or sets, then they are more than likely reselling something which has already been made for a previous customer. From a bespoke kitchen supplier, you will never see pre-built sizes, sets or even individual designs. Your only choice in materials and colours is what the homeowner wants. This applies whether you are dealing with a home renovation project, a conversion to an outside kitchen, a cottage style kitchen, a kitchen for your office or simply a refurbishment of an existing one. You will see that all of these bespoke designs will require a bespoke cabinet door; there are no second chances when it comes to getting it right.

What Are Bespoke Kitchens Glasgow?

Bespoke kitchens Glasgow can be built to meet your unique requirements including those related to the design. An excellent kitchen manufacturing company will be able to work with you on this and tailor the bespoke kitchens to your exact specifications. In fact, many bespoke kitchens are now designed as a series of modules that can be added to the basic kitchen when construction is complete. This means that you are not restricted to any particular design but can instead choose from a wide range of styles and finishes.


bespoke kitchenHow Does The Process Work?

For all of these bespoke kitchens, the first stage of work is to choose the cabinets and worktops you want. An expert supplier will work with you closely to discuss your design, including your requirements and the amount of money you can afford to spend. It is a good idea to be clear in terms of what materials you want as this will help the supplier and you work together to ensure you achieve the perfect bespoke kitchens. Once the materials have been agreed upon, the cabinet doors will be ordered and delivered.

Once the worktops and cabinets have arrived, you will need to find suitable flooring to complete your bespoke kitchens. This will usually involve some degree of sculpting or beading on the surface of the floors in order to provide a look of elegance and class. One thing to remember is that the cabinets will be exposed to a lot of movement and so need to be resistant to stains and knocks. Another element of the bespoke kitchen designer’s job is to get the best possible fit of the appliances into the cabinets. Failure to have the correct measurements means that you may find your appliances being re-instructed or moved around when they are being installed – something which can be extremely frustrating.

bespoke kitchen design

What Happens Next?

Once the project is underway the next stage is to start coordinating the electrical fittings. You will need to install new sockets for all your electricity and gas appliances and then install a new fridge if you opted for a gas-fuelled design. A new cooktop is also necessary and this will probably involve purchasing a new one rather than having an existing one re-used. All of this has to be coordinated according to your new bespoke kitchens Glasgow guide and the most efficient guide will include step by step instructions along with illustrations. This will make the process both easier and quicker for you to undertake.

bespoke kitchenFinal Stage

The final stage is to create the actual bespoke kitchens. If you have selected a reputable cabinetmaker then this is normally an easy process. However, if you do not have one then it can be a difficult task to organise the cabinets, flooring and other features into a kitchen that meets all of your unique needs. The good news is that the expert help available from a trustworthy kitchen company can help to get you everything fitted within the allocated budget.